Dulce de Leche and Banana Tartlets with Tiger Purrr Pearls, Cream and Lime Zest
(Makes 6 tartlets)
To make the Dulce de Leche
Ingredients and equipment
1 x 375ml tin of condensed milk
Large pot
1. Remove the paper from around the tin then place it in a pot large pot.
2. Pour cold water into the pot to cover the tin by 5 cm.
3. Place the pot on the stove top and bring to the boil.
4. Keep the water on a slow boil for 3 hours topping up the water regularly to keep the tin well covered with water.
5. After 3 hours remove the tin from the water and allow to cool at room temperature then place it in the fridge until required.
To make the tartlets
Ingredients and equipment
A sheet of frozen store-bought puff pastry
Muffin tin
Baking paper and rice for blind baking
1. Remove a sheet of puff pastry from the freezer and place it on a lightly floured work surface.
2. Cut the sheet into 6 squares
3. Press the pastry squares into 6 muffin tin holes to form a tartlet shape, trim the excess pastry then weigh each tartlet down with baking paper and rice to blind bake.
4. Place the muffin tin in the fridge for 30 minutes.
5. Preheat oven to 180C.
6. Remove the muffin tin from the fridge and place directly into the oven.
7. Bake for 10 minutes.
8. Remove the muffin tin from the oven then remove the paper and rice.
9. Press the centre of each tartlet down with a spoon, return the tartlets to the oven and continue to bake for 5 minutes or until the tartlets are crisp and golden brown.
10. Remove and set aside to cool on a wire rack.
To make the Tiger Purrr Pearls
Ingredients and equipment
2 teaspoons Tiger Purrr Chai
2 grams of Agar Agar powder
500 mls vegetable oil
Food syringe
Plastic container
Stainless bowl
1. Pour the oil into plastic container then place it in the freezer for 3 hours.
2. Spoon Tiger Purrr chai into a teapot then pour in 150mls of boiling water.
3. Allow the chai to steep for 15minutes. (You want the chai to be strong)
4. Pour and strain the chai into a bowl then stir through the Agar Agar powder until it dissolves.
5. Allow the chai to cool to 35C.
6. Remove the oil from the freezer.
7. Draw a quantity of chai up into a syringe.
8. Working quickly press droplets of the chai into the oil to empty the syringe. (The pearls will form immediately)
9. Remove the pearls from the oil with a metal tea strainer and place into a colander to drain. Repeat the process until you have used up all the chai.
10. Gently rinse the chai pearls under cold running water to remove any excess oil.
11. Set aside on paper towel and place in the fridge until needed.
To Finish the Tartlets
Ingredients and equipment
Whipping cream
1 ripe banana
Stainless bowl
1. Whisk 120 mls of cream to sift peaks and set aside.
2. Finely slice the banana into circular pieces
3. Place tartlets on a work surface.
4. Remove the dulce de leche from the fridge.
5. Open the tin and ¾ fill the tartlets
6. Arrange slices of banana on top of the dulce de leche
7. Place a tablespoon of Tiger Purrr pearls on top of the banana
8. Add a quenelle of whipped cream
9. Zest a little lime zest over the top of the tartlets and serve.
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